Syon Clocktower & Cafe

592H Clocktower 06

We have been involved with conser­vation, design and project management at the Syon House Estate for nearly two decades. In 2019, we were engaged to repair the Grade II listed, 19th Century Clocktower and develop a scheme to sympath­et­ically convert the colonnaded Coach House below into a cafe for visitors. These works to the Clock Tower included conser­vation of the clock face and metalwork, together with stone, structural timber and roofing repairs to the tower itself. 

592H Sy Ct 1
592H Sy Ct 2
592H Sy Ch

To create the cafe within the Coach House a number of light-touch inter­ven­tions were made to create an accessible and enjoyable space, retaining and carefully cleaning and repairing the original materials and construction. Other work included the re-bedding of original pavings, improving access­ib­ility, the install­ation of non-reflective glazing to the archways to created a comfortable environment while maintaining the strong form of the colonnaded structure; and the install­ation of services to provide a usable and flexible space throughout the year. 

All of the inter­ven­tions are designed to be reversible whilst creating a new use and revenue opportunity for the estate. We have been and continue to be involved in similar development oppor­tun­ities across the estate, in line with a developing masterplan, which not only helps to support its future maintenance but also help conserve historic but underused buildings, spaces and structures by giving them a new lease of life and purpose.

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592H Clocktower 02
592H Clocktower 03