Royal Naval College


The Royal Naval College, known previously as the Royal Naval Hospital, is one of the foremost achieve­ments of English baroque planning and design and perhaps the single finest set-piece of English archi­tecture of any period.

The conversion of the buildings for use by the University of Greenwich as its main campus has involved continuous liaison with English heritage to ensure that repairs and new inter­ven­tions are completed using appropriate materials and techniques of fabric conser­vation and respect the integrity of this scheduled ancient monument and World Heritage Site.

Grn Kw 01

King William

Grn Qa 01

Queen Anne Court

Through the twin techniques of historic research and fabric invest­ig­ation it has been possible to recover some sense of the nature of the building as it was when used for naval pensioners. Particularly, a number of ward spaces have been cleared of all sub-division and restored as single spaces. Equally important have been the numerous works that have had to be done to bring the building up to current standards. 

Client: University of Greenwich

Filed to: Heritage

Grn Qa 04

Queen Anne

Grn Qa 05

Queen Anne

Grn Qm 03

Queen Mary

Grn Qm 02

Queen Mary