Royal Academy of Arts, Gallery and Rooftop Offices


407 Ra Office 02

Following the completion of the Offices Refurbishment project the practice was appointed to carry out a further project to provide new rooftop offices, and an envir­on­mentally controlled gallery space and lifts, following a fire which destroyed an existing gallery ceiling and roof. 

This project involved rebuilding the roof above one of the principal galleries with a new structure, the insertion of two new passenger lifts through 5 storeys of historic structure and the creation of a 2 storey core at roof level linking into different levels of the existing building. The building remained occupied throughout the course of the contract.

407 Ra Office 06

This project also included refur­bishment of other upper floor office spaces and gallery spaces to provide additional workspaces required for decant space needed to enable subsequent phases of the RA’s development masterplan.

Client: Royal Academy of Arts

Filed to: Learning and Workspace, Arts and Museums

407 Ra Office 01
407 Ra Office 05