Mulgrave Primary School

Woolwich, 2006

331 Mulgrave 07
331 Mulgrave 06

A new 500-place primary school and Early Years Centre for the London Borough of Greenwich; Mulgrave School in Woolwich has featured as an example in the Schools for the Future Initiative.

Open dialogue and parti­cip­ation with the staff and students of the school and the local education authority was a feature of the development of the brief leading to a design solution which reflected the enthusiasm of the school towards its new home.

331 Mulgrave 05

The school is composed of three linked wings of accom­mod­ation, which create a variety of internal and external spaces offering both a strong sense of cohesion but also the potential for the creation of individual home’ areas. The construction incor­porates a high proportion of recycled and sustainable materials and was designed to maximise the use of natural lighting and ventilation whilst conforming to the discipline of a local authority budget.

Client: London Borough of Greenwich

Filed to: Learning and Workspace

331 Mulgrave 01

3D model

331 Mulgrave 04
331 Mulgrave 03