Guildhall Members Accommodation

London, 2014

516 Ghm 01

The fifteenth-century Guildhall is the ceremonial and ancient seat of admin­is­tration of the City of London. The L-shaped wing to the west of Guildhall Yard, designed by Richard Gilbert Scott and constructed 1969 – 75, houses the City admin­is­tration and an invaluable ground-floor library, open to the public, of books and manuscripts relating to the history and archi­tecture of the capital. 

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DJA has been responsible in Scott’s building for redesigning, redec­or­ating and modernising the third-floor committee facilities, meeting rooms, bar and members’ library, and on the fourth floor recon­fig­uring the temporary and permanent accom­mod­ation for City members and chief officers, providing new bathrooms and fittings. 

The work has included a major upgrading of the service install­a­tions, and the works were completed while the building continued in full use for ceremonial purposes. The new accom­mod­ation has greatly enhanced the utility, flexibility and comfort of the rooms provided for members.

Client: City of London

Filed to: Heritage, Interiors