Clapham Common Bandstand

Clapham Common, London, 2006

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From its construction in 1890 as one of the largest bandstands built in England, Clapham Common bandstand has immense community value, and benefits from the support of the local authority, local friends groups, and societies with an interest in protecting its future. 

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The practice was instru­mental in securing a heritage lottery fund to restore and conserve the building and immediate landscape which had fallen into a state of neglect and disrepair. 

The main cast iron structure and timber roof has been repaired and a new curved zinc roof was designed to provide the finish to the dome. Traditional Victorian Party’ colours have been used to decorate the building and the external paving and seating recon­figured to its original layout.

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The restoration of the Clapham Common Bandstand was shortlisted for RIBA London Conservation Award, 2007 and for a London Borough of Wandsworth Design Award, and Access Award, 2007.